When Guns N’ Roses released Use Your Illusion I and Use Your Illusion II on the same day back in 1991, a lot of critics slammed the band for releasing two albums with what they said amounted to a few good songs on each and a lot of filler songs added to make it two albums instead of one to increase their sales.
With that in mind, XS ROCK went through each album track by track and cherry-picked what we believe are the best tracks from each album and incorporated them into one single playlist of 14 songs that we’re calling “The Ultimate Illusion”. One of the things that we noticed in comparing the Illusion albums to the legendary “Appetite For Destruction” album was that the flow or order of the songs wasn’t as good as the previous album. If you listen to “Appetite For Destruction”, the energy is consistent and the songs lean more towards full-on rockers. Using that formula, we created the playlist for “The Ultimate Illusion” in an attempt to keep the album’s pace energetic even with the addition of a few slower songs in the material. Honestly, we think it adds a freshness to many of these songs when structured this way and hopefully, you’ll hear these songs in a different light as well.
Take a listen to the “Ultimate Illusion” playlist below and let us know what you think…