Electronic Rock/Synth Pop project RAYGUN ROMANCE (former POWERMAN 5000 Guitarist TY OLIVER) has unleashed the official music video for his newest Dark Synth masterpiece, “Adore You.” Filmed by Marie Ilene and the inimitable front-man (who also edited), “Adore You” features burlesque dancer and pinup Princess Miss Spent Youth
XS ROCK: Tell me about the latest band news? Are any new projects coming out, live shows, or announcements?
Ty: Well, the project is currently promoting the latest Single and Video “Adore You” You can stream the track on all the digital outlets, as well as find the Video on Youtube.
XS ROCK: So how long has the band been together?
Ty: I started this project in 2019. It was initially just going to be a Studio thing. I had some demos that I really wanted to bring to life at the time. I hired a singer to write lyrics and Melodies, as well as a Producer to help bring it to its final form. Over time and out of necessity, I eventually took over on Vocals as well as handling all the Production/Mixing duties myself.
XS ROCK: What was your main motivation for originally starting or being in a band?
Ty: I started out as a fan, as I think we all do. Drums caught my attention first. I got a Kit, jammed with some friends and I was hooked immediately. I eventually switched to Guitar, and that was my focus up until recently.
XS ROCK: What is your music background?
Ty: I have always been self-taught. I can’t read or write music, don’t know theory or any of that kind of thing. It’s all by ear and feel.
XS ROCK: What image do you think your music conveys?
Ty: I’m not totally sure if you mean what style is it? I usually describe it as Electronic Rock/Synth Pop with an 80’s Influence.
XS ROCK: What are your current music career goals?
Ty: Just get as many eyes and ears on it as possible, get a true loyal following.
XS ROCK: Which do you prefer? Writing new songs and recording or playing for a live audience?
Ty: Playing live is magical, just as bringing an idea you have in your head and heart to life is. Both are very different, but both are essential parts of the Music puzzle.
XS ROCK: What are your songs’ lyrics about? (What specific themes do they cover?)
Ty: They tend to be very personal. I write what I’m feeling or going through. Heartbreak, Love, Depression, not making the best decisions on how to cope with some of those feelings. That sort of thing.
XS ROCK: What is the single most important thing to you as a musician?
Ty: Making the best music I can. Which is always a work in progress.
XS ROCK: Do you have any outrageous tour stories from the road?
Ty: Nah, nothing too scandalous. At least as far as the the whole sex, drugs and rock and roll kind of thing goes. My stories are more kind of the stuff you don’t hear much about, like having a Tour Bus with no heat in the dead of Winter on the East Coast. Not being able to sleep because I was practically freezing to death. Same bus broke down on the way out of Vegas, we had to have someone come pick us up and drive us to the show that night in San Diego. We straight up got there, loaded the Gear on stage and finished Soundcheck within minutes of doors opening. That kind of stuff. Good times!
XS ROCK: What’s the strangest request that you’ve ever received from one of your fans?
Ty: I think someone asked me for some of my hair once.
XS ROCK: Are your friends and family supportive of your choice to play in a rock band?
Ty: Mostly yes, it took my Mom a while to come around. When I got the Powerman Gig in 2015 she definitely took it a bit more seriously.
XS ROCK: What advice do you have for new bands trying to get started?
Ty: Give it everything you have, and don’t give up. Never chase trends. Also, find someone with money who wants to bankroll you, this shit ain’t cheap.
XS ROCK: What are your favorite tracks to play live?
Ty: Have yet to take Raygun Romance live, but that’s something I look forward to.
XS ROCK: Which band or artist inspired you to perform? Why?
Ty: Early on it was a lot of Hair Metal bands. The more flashy and larger-than-life they were, the more I liked it. I just wanted to be able to get up there and have that much confidence in my own performance one day.
XS ROCK: If you could design a dream tour for your band, who would be on the bill?
Ty: Getting to open for CHVRCHES, Julien K or The Birthday Massacre would be epic. Or the opener on a Tour with that lineup!
XS ROCK: What do you consider your greatest accomplishment so far?
Ty: Oh, that’s easy, getting to Tour and perform as a Guitar Player with Powerman 5000 was huge. Life changing. Previous to it coming along, playing shows like that every night and being on the road were things I had only daydreamed about.
XS ROCK: If you weren’t performing in a band what kind of career do you think you would have?
Ty: I’d be a highly respected member of the Custodial Arts.
XS ROCK: What do you think of the current music scene?
Ty: I think there’s plenty of great music out there right now, you just have to dig around a bit. As far as what’s popular? That’s a different story.
XS ROCK: For anyone that doesn’t know you, what would they be surprised to know about you?
Ty: I like some really poppy music like Ava Max, Michelle Branch, and Avril Lavigne.
XS ROCK: Is there anything that you’d like to promote or say to your fans out there?
Ty: Off the top, if you’re listening to the music, and watching the Videos, thank you endlessly. Also, check out the latest release “Adore You” Streaming everywhere now, Music Video is on Youtube.
XS ROCK: Thanks again for taking the time to talk with us at XS ROCK!
Ty: Thanks for having me!
Photo credit: Eric Vincent