Electronic Industrial artists Nitzer Ebb have actually only released 8 full albums since their inception in 1983. While they have been generous with a few extra EPs and Remix Albums, 8 albums in 40 years is not much for the band’s diehard fans. Luckily, fans can dig a little deeper and find some cool side projects by Nitzer Ebb’s band members, including Black Line which includes both Douglas McCarthy and Bon Harris.
BLACK LINE features members Douglas McCarthy and Bon Harris (Nitzer Ebb), joined by Cyrusrex and Ken ‘Hiwatt’ Marshall (Skinny Puppy). Black Line will remain the exclusive outlet for new recordings from this collective
BLACK LINE has released 2 EPS and 1 Full-Length album
The collaboration between Douglas J. McCarthy and Terence Fixmer resulted in some fantastic new electronic music that was a unique hybrid. Fixmer/McCarthy released their first album Between the Devil… in 2004 and would follow it up with Into The Night in 2008. Since then they have released several maxi-singles and EPs.
In 2013 McCarthy released his first solo album entitled “Kill Your Friends”. He collaborated on the album with Cyrusrex. McCarthy has also been a frequent contributor to Alan Wilder’s band ReCoil.
Stark are David Gooday and Simon Granger of Nitzer Ebb Produkt. They are original founding members, who reformed with Douglas McCarthy and Bon Harris to tour as Nitzer Ebb in recent years and recorded this cover single of the Iggy Pop song and released it for charity to support UK Cancer research.
After McCarthy worked with Cyrusrex on his solo album, they decided to start a new project called DJMREX using analog equipment for both vocals and the music. They have plans to release three separate EPs. Currently, they have released the first two entitled “EP1″ and EP2”
The mikro:funk project features an avant-garde fusion of highly rhythmic raw modular synths and live brass and vocals, heavily influenced by the funk, soul, and R&B music that formed the backdrop to Bon’s early years.
songs: from the lemon tree
The songs: from the lemon tree project release has been much requested and is projected to be a full-length album of selected unique electronic cover versions performed solo with Bon on Vocals and modular synths.
Nitzer Ebb Studio Album Discography:
1983 Basic Pain Procedure
1987 That Total Age
1988 So Bright So Strong
1989 Belief
1989 The Machineries of Joy (EP)
1990 Showtime
1991 As Is (EP)
1991 Ebbhead
1995 Big Hit
2006 Body of Work
2006 Body Rework
2010 Industrial Complex
2010 In Order
2011 Join in the Rhythm of Machines (EP)
Keep up with Bon Harris Here: https://www.bonharrisarts.com/home
Keep up with Douglas J. McCarthy Here: https://www.douglasjmccarthy.com/
Keep up with Nitzer Ebb Here: https://www.nitzerebbprodukt.com/