The mighty Saxon have returned with one of the best albums in years. Hell, Fire, And Damnation represent everything that I love about Saxon. This is a strong album armed to the teeth with great metal tracks that take no prisoners. The crazy thing is this is Saxon’s 24th album. But, the band shows a fiery (no pun intended) attitude on this album that feels like a band with something to prove. The title track of the album gives you an idea of how in-your-face heavy this album is and the second single released “There’s Something In Roswell” is as good as anything the band has ever put out. Filled with historical events, conspiracy theories, aliens, witches, etc, the band delivers on all accounts and the entire album as a whole is pretty damn spot on. Don’t even think of telling these guys that they’re retirement age or too old to rock because you will get schooled in the old-school way of what a metal album should be like! I highly recommend this fun and blazing metal album from one of the true legends of heavy metal that still proves they have plenty left in the tank!
Hell, Fire And Damnation tracklisting:
The Prophecy 1:24
Hell, Fire And Damnation 5:33
Madame Guillotine 5:25
Fire and Steel 3:37
There’s Something in Roswell 4:10
Kubla Khan and the Merchant of Venice 4:16
Pirates of the Airwaves 3:57
1066 4:04
Witches of Salem 5:11
Super Charger 4:48