Warrant singer Jani Lane was born on this day, February 1st, 1964. Lane whose real name was John Kennedy Oswald was found dead in his hotel room on August, 11th 2011 at the age of 47 from acute alcohol poisoning.
Warrant’s first two studio albums went double platinum in sales and their third album Dog Eat Dog went Gold.
Jani Lane appeared on the following albums with Warrant: Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Rich (1989), Cherry Pie (1990), Dog Eat Dog (1992), Ultraphobic (1995), Belly to Belly (1996), Greatest & Latest (1999), Under the Influence (2001).
He also recorded the following solo albums: Back Down to One (2002), Photograph (2007), Catch a Falling Star (2015) and he was the singer for the band “Saints Of The Underground” who released the album Love the Sin, Hate the Sinner (2008) which is criminally underrated and a must have album for fans of Jani Lane’s work.